Genesis Research’s Whole Blood Supply Process
At Genesis Research, we follow high standards and rigorous procedures in the collection and processing of all blood samples:
Safe and Ethical Collection: Blood samples from our IRB-approved clinical sites are collected with donor consent and in accordance with international ethical guidelines. Patient privacy is of utmost importance in this process.
Rapid Processing and Transport: All blood samples are rapidly processed to preserve biological integrity and transported under appropriate transport conditions. This ensures the high quality and reliability required for analysis.
Quality Control: Collected blood samples undergo rigorous quality control processes for cellular and biochemical suitability. This ensures reliable data for your projects.
Contributions to Research and Diagnostics
Various Research Areas: Whole blood samples can be used in various fields of research, such as oncology, infectious diseases, immune disorders and cardiovascular diseases. These samples allow for comprehensive analysis of both normal and diseased states.
Understanding Disease Mechanisms: Analysis of blood components provides critical data for understanding the biological mechanisms of disease processes. This contributes to the development of new treatment strategies.